
Study Our New Disability Skillset

PUBLISHED18 October 2021

Move into one of the most rewarding careers that offers great job stability and employee benefits! The Aged and Disability sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in Australia right now!

We now offer a Disability Skillset that can be added onto your current course. Best of all, this course is completely online!

This qualification will give you the skills and knowledge to support those who are disabled or the elderly. There will be over 179,000 new jobs created nationally with the exponential growth.

So, here are some FAQs that will help you decide whether or not this course is for you.

Q: Am I eligible?

You are eligible to apply for this skillset, if you hold or are currently studying:

Q: What career pathway can I take?

There are many different pathways that you can take if you enrol into this course, such as:

For a full list, please visit the Kirana website.

Q: Is work placement included?

This disability skillset is designed to include work-based projects, meaning if you want to apply for this qualification, you must have access to an organisation that provides support services within the disability sector.

Q: What is the duration of the disability skillset?

This disability skillset is delivered over a 12 week period, however students are able to complete this in a shorter time-frame. This depends on how quickly you can complete each assessment and all coursework.

Q: What are the benefits of studying this course?

Here is a short video explaining the benefits of our Disability course.

This disability skillset is delivered over a 12-week period; however, students are able to complete this in a shorter time-frame. This depends on how quickly you can complete each assessment and all coursework.

Here are 4 reasons why you should study this disability skillset.

    • Know your job is secure – When you work in the disability sector, you can count on your job being secure. The demand for qualified workers in this sector is growing continuously and will keep rising within the next few years.
    • Build a meaningful connection with your clients  –  You will be working very closely with your clients everyday. As you get to know your clients and also their family, you will develop a meaningful connection with them.
    • Grow in your current workplace – When you take on the disability skillset, you have a higher chance of being promoted to a more supervisory role. With a promotion, you are able to earn a higher salary.
    • Job Satisfaction – This is one of the main rewards when taking up this disability skillset. As you grow in this role, you will notice your assistance and support making an impact in their life. At the end of the day, your job involves helping people to live their best lives!

Q: Are there any course pathways?

If you wish to continue your studies after completing the disability specialisation, then you can enrol into our Diploma of Community Services

Upskilling with a Diploma of Community Services, you will have the advantage to open pathways to professional growth in the following streams:

      • Mental Health
      • Disability
      • Alcohol and other drugs
      • General
      • Child and Youth

The qualification provides students with knowledge and skills they need to work with a variety of clients across different settings.

Like what you hear and want to start your dream career in disability? Explore our nationally accredited online courses.

Speak to one of our Course and Career’s Advisors
if you have any further questions!

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