
Why online training is right, right now!

PUBLISHED15 May 2024
WRITTEN BYAllison Roos

“Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing.” – Donna J. Abernathy

As schools around the world have had recent closures – the power of online education becomes very clear. The same is true for completing vocational education studies online. The benefits of the ability to study wherever you want is highlighted at times when it’s hard to get to a specific location. From looking after sick children, to road closures and just managing your everyday routine. The ability to study from the comfort and convenience of your home can make life a lot easier.

People are looking for self-paced education that can fit in around their lifestyle. Online training can be done anywhere and at any time. If you are already in a job but want to retrain or upskill, online vocational education can be a great choice. It means you can study at home before or after work or even during a work break. You may even find if you are upskilling, that your current organisation will allow you to spend some time during your work hours to study. Some may even help fund the course – with the idea that you will bring back your new skills into the organisation.

Online vocational education training has come a long way from when it was first introduced. Technology has made online classes more interactive, more interesting and more like an in-class experience. Live webinar technology has also improved the immediacy of teacher and student communication. But the key factor of the quality of the trainer is still very important. When you are working out what vocational education organisation to study with, a key consideration should be the quality of trainers and your access to them. Select an organisation that prioritises trainers support of their students. As a quality training organisation, Kirana Colleges will ensure that you have regular access and dedicated support from your trainer.

Other benefits of online training

  • Learn while you earn: No, we are not talking about paid lessons here. But the brilliant part of online vocational education training is that you don’t need to quit your job, or take a break from full-time work to learn something new. You can continue working as usual, and dedicate a few hours per day at a time that suits you.
  • Start learning anytime: Online learning does not bind you to learn everything in one go. You can start a lesson, leave it midway and continue from wherever you left at a later stage. You can restart the lesson you were last on.
  • Enhance your skill set: Of course, the primary reason to sign up for an online certification course is to learn something new that can help you take your career to another level. Our online courses will help you develop that expertise, and all courses at Kirana Online are all nationally recognised.
  • Learning Process: Classroom learning requires you to study in a group and dedicate specific times to attend classes. You have to make your notes and ensure that you attentively listen to your teacher all the time. With online learning, you can study from anywhere, without getting bothered by a group around you. You get ready-to-use notes and can listen to the same lecture as many times as you want until you understand everything.

Studying at your own pace is a big benefit to online training, but it’s really important that you have access to great trainers. Select a training organisation that has good access to online trainers as this can be key to ensuring that you successfully complete your course and gain the skills you need.

 Kirana Online offers certifications in the following:

  • Aged Care
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Community Services

The most sought-after certification courses offered by Kirana Online over the past few years are:

  • CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care
  • CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)
  • CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
  • CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care

If you are ready to upskill, reskill or change your career direction, vocational education training may be perfect for you. To find out more call one of our careers advisors on 1800 885 791 or

Speak to one of our Course and Career’s Advisors
if you have any further questions!

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